I really feel like if the teacher had any medical knowledge he would have put me on the last chopper out of 'nam instead of letting me participate (read: dominate) the remaining sled races. I'm not trying to brag about ability to race downhill clinging to a child's toy (clearly, look at my face in that picture), but I am tough as nails.
On to washing clothes in the kitchen sink.... I must admit that I don't actually wash dishes in the kitchen sink. I might be the worst roommate ever, but I really don't do this often. I will load the dishwasher, but if I doesn't go in the dishwasher, it is meant to be dirty. However, after realizing that my fake ski pants weren't clean (and not having enough time for a wash cycle) I had to wash them in the sink. With Dawn. Desperate times call for desperate measures. This worked really well actually. So well that when I found my tumbling shorts in the dirty clothes I took them to the sink and gave them the same treatment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not abandoning my washer (which is older than dinosaur bones, fyi), but this is a very efficient means on clothing my self in clean duds. It's kind of like camping in your house. If that's possible.
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