Monday, April 21, 2008

Day 1: Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 16:16

I know today has two posts, but that's fine. They are two related, but different posts.

Today I read the above passage. It was great. I went to Starbucks, got a tall Pikes Place, and shared a table with a freshman cramming for a political science test (I am a political science master, FYI). I busted out my Bible and I know I scared the bahjeezus out of him. I gave him a reassuring look like, "I can rescue you from Hell." Not really. That would have been cool though.

(Reading your Bible at Starbucks is Stuff Aggies Like. That's not a real blog, but I think I might go for it.)

God created our planet in about 35 seconds worth of NIV reading. It would easily, take three lifetimes to experience its total beauty. As someone who loves the Outdoors, I love reading the story of creation. This story has been told to me many, many times, but it never really hit me until going to Montana. Growing up in Missouri and Southeast Texas where everything is flat and "boring" it is hard to get an appreciation for what the Lord did. Only until I saw mile-tall cliffs, acres upon acres of glacier, grazing bear and moose, and indescribably blue lakes could I understand the power of the story.

With that said, I honestly feel sorry for the athiest backpacker. I have been told that worship is "our devoted response to God" and have had discussions with wonderful friends about how spending time in the Outdoors is a form of worship, because we are responding (enjoying, thanking, etc) to God's goodness by experiencing it. How can the athiest stand and watch the sun rise up, over the Grand Canyon for example, and think, this was chance?

Everything that the Lord made is good, pleasing, and perfect independently. However, the true beauty of His creation is similar to the Law of Increasing Marginal Return. Lemme explain LIMR. The more you have, the more valuable it becomes. The best example of LIMR is the telephone. What good is one telephone? It's worthless. The value of the telephone lies in the fact that everyone has one and you are able to use it to call someone else and have a conversation.

Knowing that, I can easily say the beauty of His work compounds when God's creations are concurrently enjoyed. A mountain range is more enjoyable with a beautiful sunrise. The ocean is more beautiful because of the fish that swim in it. The smell of a flower is more enjoyable when it is from a lover. Does anyone else think this way?

1 comment:

Elijah Davidson said...

And the more of creation one experiences, the more one enjoys the rest of creation.

Example - I spent the summer in Glacier National Park. Since returning home, I have seen more beauty in the world around me than ever before. I parked my car in front of my house yesterday only to step out and see a beautiful bunch of bright blue wild flowers sprung up where none was before. I marveled for a moment at what would have at one time been another weed to begrudgingly mow over.

And I completely agree on the part about worship. It's good to be reminded, too.